Returns Policy
We have a 7-day return policy, which means you have 7 (seven) days after receiving your item to request a return.
To be eligible for a return, your item must be in the same condition that you received it, undamaged and unused, and in its original packaging. We also require the packing slip and proof of purchase.
To start a return, you can contact us at or log it on the website. If your return is accepted, we’ll send you a return waybill, as well as instructions on when your package will be collected.
Items sent back to us without first requesting a return will not be accepted.
You can always contact us for any return questions at
Please inspect your order upon reception and contact us immediately if the item is incorrect or damaged. Take photos of the packaging and product to assist us with preventing future such occurrences. Email these to We will arrange to collect the product from you at no charge. Once we have inspected the product and validated your return, we will, at your choice replace the product as soon as possible or credit your account with the purchase price of the product (or refund you if that is your preference).
Exceptions / non-returnable items
Unfortunately, we cannot accept items which have been used or written in or are in an unsaleable condition.
Should you have purchased the wrong item; this can be exchanged subject to the process noted above.
Please note:
Costs related to the return of the product are your responsibility. We will inspect the product on its arrival at our premises, and if the product does not qualify for a return as noted above, then the return shall be refused, no monies shall be credited to you.
If your return is approved, you’ll be given the choice to; replace the product as soon as possible or credit your account with the purchase price of the product (or refund you if that is your preference).